This page includes our contact details for Sydney and Melbourne, postal and street address, telepone and email, and also links to the facebook page and how to reach the church by Public Transport (Bus and Train) or by car.
Comment and Feedback
Your comment and feedback is appreciated.
Please use the email address below.
Thank you.
Postal address is as follows:
Att Monsignor Basil Sousanian
Armenian Catholic Church
Box 315
Lidcombe NSW 1825
Armenian Catholic Church
5 John Street
Lidcombe NSW 2141
Local call Australia 02 9649 3380
International call + 61 2 9649 3380
Armenian Catholic Church Australia
Transport NSW -
TRIP Planner
Map - directions
Armenian Catholic Church
41-43 Station Street
Ferntree Gully Vic 3156
Local call Australia 02 9649 3380
International call + 61 2 9649 3380
Armenian Catholic Church Australia
Transport VIC -
TRIP Planner
Map - directions