Donate - Bequest

Why Donate?

Donate to help towards the upkeep of the church in Australia for all of us to worship together and for future generations to come.

The Church welcomes your donations, both large and small, whether offered weekly, monthly or donated during a special appeal.

Are you able to Help !!! ....
Donation may include your Time, Talent and/or Treasure.


To donate, please bring your donation to the church on your next visit or send the cheque by mail to the church address (Box 315, Lidcombe NSW 1825) , alternatively, consider donating online.

You can donate in the following ways:
[1]    Cheques to be made out to the Armenian Catholic Church, or
[2]    Electronic transfers to the following bank account:
        + Account Name:   Armenian Catholic Church
        + BSB:   062194
        + Account Number:   10505497

Thank you
Fr. Basil Sousanian

Bequest to the Church

Leave a lasting legacy

Bequest in favour of your Church and Parish in Australia.

As Catholics our parish is our extended family within the greater family of the whole Church. We express our love for those around us by our worship and our shared journey in a life of faith.

Like the members of our close family, our Parish is assisted in meeting its goals by the financial assistance you can provide by including a gift in your will.

The Importance of Giving

Tithing is an Old Testament concept. The tithe was a requirement of the law in which all Israelites were to give 10 percent of everything they earned and grew to the Tabernacle/Temple (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5). In fact, the Old Testament Law required multiple tithes which would have pushed the total to around 23.3 percent, not the 10 percent which is generally considered the tithe amount today. Some understand the Old Testament tithe as a method of taxation to provide for the needs of the priests and Levites in the sacrificial system. The New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system. Paul states that believers should set aside a portion of their income in order to support the church (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

The New Testament nowhere designates a percentage of income a person should set aside, but only says it is to be “in keeping with income” (1 Corinthians 16:2). Some in the Christian church have taken the 10 percent figure from the Old Testament tithe and applied it as a “recommended minimum” for Christians in their giving. The New Testament talks about the importance and benefits of giving. We are to give as we are able. Sometimes that means giving more than 10 percent; sometimes that may mean giving less. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the church. Every Christian should diligently pray and seek God’s wisdom in the matter of participating in tithing and/or how much to give (James 1:5). Above all, all tithes and offerings should be given with pure motives and an attitude of worship to God and service to the body of Christ. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Your Church needs your financial help but above all she needs your presence and moral support because the Church is composed by the people of God not just the priest. So every single person is important for the Church. Express your love towards your Church by giving whatever you can but give wholeheartedly and with generosity.

Thank you
Fr. Basil Sousanian

Consider donating to the following organisations:

Please Donate to Artsagh and Armenia. HAYASTAN ALL ARMENIAN FUND. link out

Our Lady Of Armenia Boghossian Educational Center Orphanage. link out
Governed by the Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.

RADIO MARIAM link out to make God’s word available to all Armenians living in different corners of the world.

Caritas Armenia link out

Children of Armenia Fund link out All children of Armenia achieve their full potential and contribute to the advancement of the world around them.

Donations for
Armenia and Artsagh

If you are unable to make you donation online, you can make your donation at any Armenian Church, Club or social group and your donation will be deliverd to HAYASTAN ALL ARMENIAN FUND. link out